The Strata Collective - The Importance of a Strata Committee Charter for Good Governance

The Strata Management legislation in NSW adopts a decision-making framework in Strata Schemes where most day to day decisions in a strata scheme occur by a majority decision of the Strata Committee. Sadly, many Strata Committees often end up in conflict with their fellow Strata Committee members which leads to internal politics and difficulties making the necessary decisions.

The reality is that many Strata Committee members will have differing opinions about the sensible priorities for their Strata Scheme. The Strata Collective has found that one of the most effective ways to manage this challenge is by way of adopting a Strata Committee Charter for your Strata Scheme.

The Strata Collective's suggestion is that each Strata Committee should pass a motion to accept The Strata Committee Charter each year and that this process will form part of the ongoing governance for the Strata Committee.

The draft Strata Committee Charter (which can be modified for your requirements) is as follows.

As a member of the Strata Committee, I accept the following requirements for my tenure:

  • Reading The Strata Collective's Strata Committee training guides to acquire a basic understanding of Strata law in order to make informed decisions for our Strata
  • Attending more than 75% of Strata Committee meetings
  • Read and understand the agendas of Strata Meetings to meaningfully participate in Strata matters
  • Commit to understanding the basic processes within our Strata Scheme
  • Vote and act in the best interests of the Strata Scheme
  • Declare any conflicts of interest prior to the meeting and the voting of a concerned motion
  • Always show my fellow Strata Committee members respect
  • Being a positive influence into the Strata Committee and Strata matters generally

The great benefit of adopting this process each year is that it brings respect and understanding of both the Strata Scheme and the Strata Committee 'front and centre' of discussions as matters of the utmost importance. A functioning Strata Committee cannot add value to the important area of building positive community within a Strata without the fundamental building blocks of respect and understanding.

Speak to your Strata Manager at The Strata Collective for more information. A copy of this form is found .

The Strata Collective

Level 9, 387 George St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Ph: 02 9137 2320

Strata Community Australia Member

Winner of the
SCA NSW Strata Community Awards 2020
Medium Category

Congratulations to The Strata Collective and Principal, Rod Smith for winning such a prestigious award.

See the full story and photos here.

© 2019 The Strata Collective

