Strata Committee Conflict Over Repairs

The following scenario was presented to me.

We are in the process of an NCAT dispute over the Owners Corporation's failure to repair the common property. We have concrete cancer that is damaging the flooring in our unit and the Owners Corporation have not made any repairs for nearly two years.

I hold a general position on the Strata Committee of which there are five positions. There is now a motion for the next General Meeting to remove me from the Strata Committee because of 'conflict of interest'. Is this valid?

My response to this is as follows:

Firstly, the act does not recognise this situation as a conflict of interest. For this to arise, the committee may be referring to clause 18 of Schedule 2 of the SSMA 2015, however, this talks about pecuniary (monetary) conflicts of interest rather than common property repairs that impact a lot (of which section 106 is more relevant).

If a 'conflict of interest' is of concern at a General Meeting, you can just abstain from voting on the repairs item on the agenda.

There are a number of ways to remove a strata committee member:

The Strata Collective

Level 9, 387 George St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Ph: 02 9137 2320

Strata Community Australia Member

Winner of the
SCA NSW Strata Community Awards 2020
Medium Category

Congratulations to The Strata Collective and Principal, Rod Smith for winning such a prestigious award.

See the full story and photos here.

© 2019 The Strata Collective

